Surviving the Christmas Slump

Sunday, November 29, 2009

That period called ‘Yuletide’ is now approaching; this is the period 24th December through 6th January.  This period incorporates New Year, the time when many set new ‘resolutions’ for themselves.  How many of these resolutions make it past day 3?

This period is often a slower time for businesses and can be used as a time to reflect on the recent past, evaluate the result of actions taken and plan the actions necessary to take you to your goals.  Goals?!  Do you have any?

Let’s look at those next time – for now let’s look at an exciting opportunity which is placed before businesses at this time every year; the opportunity to excel at Customer Service.  How many in business take seriously the value of Customer Service?

Customer Service is a key portion of your business behaviour and will see you rise or fall in direct proportion to how you perform in providing Customer Service.  At its simplest Customer Service is simply providing good service to your customer, yet many businesses seem to have difficulty with this concept.  Critique your own performance and give yourself a score, just as you would critique someone who was providing a service to you.  How did you rate……?

There’s no great mystery to satisfying your customers.  Give them a quality product and treat them with respect.  It’s that simple.”  Lee Iacocca, former executive of Ford & Chrysler

It really is that simple.  Think about how much you value your customer.  Do you show them the respect they deserve?  If you don’t, try harder or find out how to provide the level of service your customer deserves and you will see your business grow at unbelievable speed and deliver you wondrous results.

As a mentor to small businesses across Australia, Clive has over 20 years experience in Business & mentoring and enjoys helping businesses to grow, develop and diversify. Your helping hand in Business, Clive is here to help you understand your business, its unique needs and how to gain your success through it.